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We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website and online store! 

We are delighted to announce both the launch of our new website and branding, as well as the fact we have cut the ribbon to our new e-commerce store letting more and more of you get your hands on some Forbes Croft Products!

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Nam erat dolor, mattis nec hendrerit ac, venenatis in justo. Integer congue interdum odio, ac viverra ipsum consequat ac. Donec iaculis ex vitae tellus tempor interdum eu vel lectus. Curabitur id quam erat. Donec bibendum a enim ac suscipit. Nulla facilisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Phasellus fringilla, sapien sit amet luctus malesuada, turpis urna egestas libero, cursus egestas odio risus in purus. Mauris ipsum urna, venenatis nec purus id, commodo ullamcorper ligula. Nulla iaculis diam odio, in viverra eros auctor vel. Suspendisse pretium nisl in metus blandit condimentum. Praesent vulputate ipsum vel odio malesuada, id ultricies ex condimentum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed feugiat tortor eget ex tempor imperdiet.

The team that created the site said . . .

Working with Aidan and Jess has been fantastic. It has been really exciting project to be involved in from the start. I hope that the website and identity help to drive the success that such amazing produce clearly deserves!

Alan ManningDreamstorm Design

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